About Us
We are a people that seek truth in Jesus Christ. We want to know Jesus more and make Jesus known to all people. Through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we are able to love others as Jesus loved us!
Who We Are
We are a church that is made up of believers in Jesus Christ. We believe that all those who believe that Jesus Christ was God in the flesh, was crucified as a sacrifice for our sins and rose again, will live with him eternally as he lives!

About Winkler Sommerfeld Mennonite Church
The Winkler Sommerfeld Mennonite Church is one of 13 Sommerfeld churches in our conference.
Our Church service is from 10:00 am -11:00 am with Sunday School during the service for the children.
We sing traditional hymns at the beginning, middle and end of each service.
During the week we have Adult Bible Study, College and Careers, Youth, Ladies Fellowship, Local Church Choir, and Children's Clubs. These break for the summer months.

Our Vision
As followers of Jesus Christ and his Church, we want to live out the faith of Jesus Christ. We have a desire to spread God's love by living it as an example, as Jesus did, not by words only, but by our actions as well. We want the TRUTH of the Gospel to be shared with all people, so that many can be saved!
Knowing Jesus & Making Jesus Known
It is our responsibility to teach our children, youth and whole congregations about Jesus and what he has planned for us. Being ambassadors for Christ, we make Jesus known and magnify him here on earth. Our mandate is to follow Jesus and serve others in love and live out the word of truth as we do God’s work. May your light shine!