Winkler Sommerfeld Mennonite Church
Sunday, January 26th, 2025
Rev. Abe Heppner
Dear God,
Thank you for giving me a powerful foundation of faith in my life.
From this foundation, I am able to build so much peace, harmony and happiness, just by trusting in you and in your unceasing guidance.
I walk in gratitude daily for the miraculous way having faith in your will seems to work.
No matter what is going on around me, if I stand in faith, I stand strong.
I pray that I always have trust in your will to depend on, especially when my own will leads me astray.
I pray that my life be a testament to others of the wonders that happen when we put our faith in you, God, where it belongs.
***Sunday School MTG- First Tuesdays @7:30. February 4th.
***Potluck Fellowship Lunch- Last Sunday of the month.TODAY!
***Men’s Breakfast- Third Saturdays @ 9am.
***Youth- Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
***Clubs- Wednesdays @ 7:30
***Adult Bible Study- Wednesdays @7:30.
***Ladies Fellowship- Second & Fourth Tuesdays
***Choir Practice- Thursdays @7:30
***Seniors Faspa- Third Thursdays @ 2pm.
Baptism Classes:
***For those that are anticipating baptism this spring we invite you to attend Baptism Classes in the Prayer Room, Tuesdays at 7:30PM. beginning January 28th. We will be meeting once a week for approximately 10 weeks, any questions please contact Deacon Henry Bartsch at 204 332 0841,
Rev. Abe Fehr 204 325 8128,
Rev. Art Wiebe 204 312 0681 or the
church office 204 325 7676.
(If Tuesday aren’t suitable for you please let us know and we will try to accommodate you.)
Please note:
***Welcome hosts; Your lists are now available in your mailboxes.
Attention all Senior Faspa Attendees...
The January Faspa is rescheduled for January 23rd.
2:00PM. In the Church Dinning Room.
The music group is, K & Friends (The Kornelsons)
All Seniors are Welcome, feel free to bring friends.
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
2nd Corinthians 9:7
***Sunday School Teachers ---NEEDED
For Class #14. Age 5-6
Please contact Henry Krahn or Pete Martens
***Pianist / Organist ---NEEDED
Sunday mornings
Please contact Bertha @362-0387
In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
-1 Thessalonians 5:18
Lets revive the custom of blessing. When we bless someone, we show love and respect, encourage greatness and pride. Sincerely honouring the people and things in our lives is a wonderful way of showing gratitude to the Lord.
Sincere gratitude for the gift of life evokes sincere praise.
Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.
-2 Samuel 22:50
P l e a s e R e m e m b e r T o P r a y F o r
***Dave & Barb Fehr request prayer support, Barb has been diagnosed with a tumour in her stomach. Further testing will be done to determine the next steps going forward.
Thank you, Dave & Barb Fehr
***Please pray for Katherine Friesen, she is in Boundary Trails Heath Center. Her heart is very weak, please pray for rest, peace and for God’s will for her and the family.
***Please pray for Bill Redecopp, he’s in the last stage of aggressive bone cancer. Now they are just trying to stabilize him and manage the pain. Pray for peace, strength and comfort as this will be a very difficult time for him and his family. We know that God is in control and pray his presence may be felt and that his will be done.
Thank you. The Redecopp family.
***Please pray for Abe Penner and his family, his T-cell cancer is back. Pray that God will bring them peace and comfort during this difficult time.
Thank you. The Penner family.
***Please pray for Ben Sawatzky and family. Ben had a terrible accident January 4th while trying to ignite a fire in a wood stove, causing him to catch fire and receiving 2nd and 3rd degree burns on 35% of his body. Pray that God will give him peace and comfort as well as guide the doctors hands for the many surgeries to come.
Thank you. The Sawatzky family.
***Please pray for Frank and Elizabeth Harder as they are going through struggles in their lives. Please pray that God will reveal His will to both of them.
C o l l e c t i ons
January 5th collection of $1,075.00 for Local Missions. Families in need.
Total collected was $2,775.00
January 12th collection of $920.00 for Local Missions. Families in need. Total collected was $1,450.50
January 19th collection of $970.00 for Building Fund. Operations / repairs. Total collected was $2,290.00
January 26th collection for General Missions. Conference wide missions
February 2nd collection for Local Missions. Families in need.
C h u r c h O f f i c e H o u r s
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 12:00 noon
Church Phone: 204-325-7676
Rev. Art Wiebe’s cell: 204-312-0681
C h u r c h C a r e t a k e r s
Corny & Judy Klassen: 204-325-9192
Corny’s cell: 431-356-0360
Judy’s cell: 204-362-3278
Prayer Requests will be listed for four Sundays. To have your prayer requests and/or announcements placed in the bulletin for September through January
please call Sara Unrau @204-362-4485 or
email by Thursday at 6pm. Thank you.